Showing posts with label Cloud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cloud. Show all posts

Making Your Container Deployment Portable

   This post is a follow-up and extension of my previous post "Setting up CommandLine Environment for IBM® Bluemix® Container Service".
   In this post, I'm further exploring the way of working with containers whether it's locally deployed native Docker or container created with IBM® Bluemix® Container Service. I'm going to show few basic scripting ideas, so that the same docker-compose.yml and other related files can be used no matter whether you are dealing with locally deployed native Docker container(s) or IBM container(s).
One step ahead, here we will be working with multiple containers and employing Docker Compose. I have used basic steps for this exercise from Bluemix tutorial ( and added few steps and logic to do basic automation and make it portable, so that it can be executed the same way independent of environment.

Pre-requisites for this exercise:

  1. (native) Docker installed and running locally(may be on your laptop/desktop)
  2. CommandLine environment setup for IBM® Bluemix® Container Service. See previous post "Setting up CommandLine Environment for IBM® Bluemix® Container Service".
  3. Docker Compose version 1.6.0 or later installed on your laptop/desktop. See installation instruction here
  4. lets-chat and mongo images are available in your local and Bluemix private registry.

As part of this exercise, we will be putting together 'docker-compose.yml' with replaceable variable(s), '.env' file for environment variables with default values, property file '' for environment specific properties, and script file '' with basic logic that can be executed to manage both native Docker as well as IBM Bluemix containers. We will be creating and linking following two containers.

  1. lets-chat (basic chat application)
  2. mongo (database to store data)

At the end, we'll also look into few possible issues that you may encounter.

Let's start with creating docker-compose.yml. Compose simplifies the definition and execution of  multi-container Docker applications. See Docker Compose documentation for details.
Below is our simple docker-compose.yml which defines two containers <<lets-chat>> and <<lc-mongo>>. As you see a variable has been assigned as a value to 'image' attribute. It is in order to make it portable between native Docker and container to be deployed on IBM Bluemix as the image registry will be different. You can assign variable this way to any attribute as it's value which will be replaced by value of corresponding environment variable.

   image: ${LETS_CHAT_IMAGE}
   container_name: lets-chat
      - "8080:8080"
      - lc-mongo:mongo
   image: ${MONGODB_IMAGE}
   container_name: lc-mongo
      - "27017"

Now, let's see, where we can define environment variables. Docker supports either defining it through command shell as 'export VAR=VALUE' or defining them in '.env' file (Note: If you are deploying your service using 'docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml <service-name>' instead of 'docker-compose up ...' values in the docker-compose.yml may not be replaced by corresponding environment values defined in .env file. See Environment variable defined through 'export VAR=VALUE' takes precedence. See more detail on variable substitution and declaring default environment variables in file.

Below is our '.env' file:

# COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT default value is 60 seconds.

Usually, it is a best practice to define default variables with 'DEV/Development' environment specific values in '.env' file and have mechanism to override those values for higher environment(s). It helps to boost developers' productivity. In order to follow the above mentioned principle, I've defined my local native Docker container specific environment variables in my '.env' file and will have separate property file to define environment variables and their values for other environments (Bluemix in my case for this post).
Below is my property file '' which defines property and their Bluemix specific values:

# Define property as _VARIABLE_NAME=VALUE where prefix will identify the environment like 'bluemix', 'native' etc.
# Note: variable with default value can be placed directly into '.env' file.
# reference property without '<prefix>_' as script sets environment variable without <prefix>_. See

Now, we need to have a script (logic) that can set appropriate environment variables based on the target environment.
Below is sample ( script:

# Author: Purna Poudel
# Created on: 23 February, 2017

# project directory
#property file
function usage {
   printf "Usage: $0 \n";
   printf "Options:\n";
   printf "%10s-t|--conttype:-u|--username:-p|--password\n";
OPTS=$(getopt -o t:u:p: -l conttype:,username:,password:, -- "$0" "$@");
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
   echo "Unrecognised command line option encountered!";
   exit 1;
eval set -- "$OPTS";
while true; do
   case "$1" in
         shift 2;;
         shift 2;;
         shift 2;;

if [[ $conttype == "" ]]; then
   echo "Valid non empty value for '--conttype' or '-t' is required."
   exit 1
# Reads each line if 'prefix' matches the supplied value of $conttype. 

# Also excludes all commented (starting with #) lines, all empty lines and not related properties.

for _line in `cat "${pDir}/${propFile}" | egrep '(^'$conttype'|^all)' |grep -v -e'#' | grep -v -e'^$'`; do
   echo "Reading line: $_line from source file: ${pDir}/${propFile}";
   # Assign property name to variable '_key'
   # Also remove the prefix, which is supposed to be the identifier for particular environment 

   # in file.
   # the final 'xargs' removes the leading and trailing blank spaces.
   _key=$(echo $_line | awk 'BEGIN {FS="="}{print $1}' | awk 'BEGIN {FS=OFS="_"}{print substr($0, index($0,$2))}' | xargs);
   # Assign property value to variable '_value'
   _value=`eval echo $_line | cut -d '=' -f2`;
   # Also declare shell variable and export to use as environment variable,
   declare $_key=$(echo $_value | xargs);
   echo "Setting environment variable: ${_key}=${!_key}";
   export ${_key}=${!_key};
if [[ $conttype == "bluemix" ]]; then
   # First log into CloudFoundry
   # cf login [-a API_URL] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-o ORG] [-s SPACE]
   cf login -a ${API_ENDPOINT} -u ${username} -p ${password} -o ${ORG_NAME} -s ${SPACE_NAME};
   if [ $retSts -ne 0 ]; then
      echo "Login to CloudFoundry failed with return code: "$retSts;
      exit $retSts;
   # then log into the IBM Container
   cf ic login
   if [ $retSts -ne 0 ]; then
      echo "Login to IBM Container failed with return code: $retSts;"
      exit $retSts;
# Stop and remove if container are running.
docker-compose ps | grep "Up";
if [ $retSts -eq 0 ]; then
   echo "Stopping existing docker-compose container...";
   docker-compose stop;
   sleep 5;
docker-compose ps -q | grep "[a-z0-9]"
if [ $retSts -eq 0 ]; then
   echo "Removing existing docker-compose container...";
   docker-compose rm -f;
   sleep 5;
# execute docker-compose
docker-compose up -d;
sleep 20;
# Make sure container built and running
docker-compose ps;

Now, it's time to test the logic above.

First, let's execute the script locally against native Docker.

$> ./ -t native
lc-mongo / mongod Up 27017/tcp
lets-chat /bin/sh -c (sleep 60; npm ... Up 5222/tcp,>8080/tcp
Stopping existing docker-compose container...
Stopping lets-chat ... done
Stopping lc-mongo ... done
Removing existing docker-compose container...
Going to remove lets-chat, lc-mongo
Removing lets-chat ... done
Removing lc-mongo ... done
Creating lc-mongo
Creating lets-chat
Name Command State Ports
lc-mongo / mongod Up 27017/tcp
lets-chat /bin/sh -c (sleep 60; npm ... Up 5222/tcp,>8080/tcp

As per script execution logic, it first identifies if any container instance of 'lc-mongo' and 'lets-chat', if so, it stops and removes the existing container then creates new one from existing images and starts and checks if they are running successfully. Since '-t native' option passed through command line, it didn't set any environment variable, but Docker Compose used the default environment variables defined in '.env' file.

It is time to test the same against IBM Bluemix Container Service. See below:

$> ./ -t bluemix -u -p xxxxxxxxx
Reading line: bluemix_API_ENDPOINT= from source file: ./
Setting environment variable: API_ENDPOINT=
Reading line: bluemix_DOCKER_HOST=tcp:// from source file: ./
Setting environment variable: DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
Reading line: bluemix_DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/home/osboxes/.ice/certs/ from source file: ./
Setting environment variable: DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/home/osboxes/.ice/certs/
Reading line: bluemix_DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=1 from source file: ./
Setting environment variable: DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=1
Reading line: from source file: ./
Setting environment variable:
Reading line: bluemix_NAMESPACE=sysg from source file: ./
Setting environment variable: NAMESPACE=sysg
Reading line: bluemix_ORG_NAME=porg from source file: ./
Setting environment variable: ORG_NAME=porg
Reading line: bluemix_SPACE_NAME=ptest from source file: ./
Setting environment variable: SPACE_NAME=ptest
Reading line: bluemix_MONGODB_IMAGE=${REGISTRY}/${NAMESPACE}/mongo from source file: ./
Setting environment variable:
Reading line: bluemix_LETS_CHAT_IMAGE=${REGISTRY}/${NAMESPACE}/lets-chat from source file: ./
Setting environment variable:
API endpoint:

Targeted org porg

Targeted space ptest

API endpoint: (API version: 2.54.0)
Org: porg
Space: ptest
Deleting old configuration file...
Retrieving client certificates for IBM Containers...
Storing client certificates in /home/osboxes/.ice/certs/...

Storing client certificates in /home/osboxes/.ice/certs/

The client certificates were retrieved.

Checking local Docker configuration...

Authenticating with the IBM Containers registry host
You are authenticated with the IBM Containers registry.
Your organization's private Bluemix registry:

You can choose from two ways to use the Docker CLI with IBM Containers:

Option 1: This option allows you to use 'cf ic' for managing containers on IBM Containers while still using the Docker CLI directly to manage your local Docker host.
Use this Cloud Foundry IBM Containers plug-in without affecting the local Docker environment:

Example Usage:
cf ic ps
cf ic images

Option 2: Use the Docker CLI directly. In this shell, override the local Docker environment by setting these variables to connect to IBM Containers. Copy and paste the following commands:
Note: Only some Docker commands are supported with this option. Run cf ic help to see which commands are supported.
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/home/osboxes/.ice/certs/

Example Usage:
docker ps
docker images

lc-mongo Up xxx.xx.0.xx:27017->27017/tcp
lets-chat Up xxx.xx.0.xx:8080->8080/tcp
Stopping existing docker-compose container...
Stopping lets-chat ... done
Stopping lc-mongo ... done
Removing existing docker-compose container...
Going to remove lets-chat, c-mongo
Removing lets-chat ... done
Removing lc-mongo ... done
Creating lc-mongo
Creating lets-chat
Name Command State Ports
lc-mongo Up xxx.xx.0.xx:27017->27017/tcp
lets-chat Up xxx.xx.0.xx:8080->8080/tcp

As you have noticed, we passed options '-t bluemix -u -p xxxxxxxxx' while executing the This enforced script to read properties from '' file and set corresponding environment variables specific for Bluemix. Everything else including docker-compose.yml and .env file remain unchanged.
Note: IPs, username and password masked.
In terms of defining properties specific to any environment, in this post, I'm just showing the case for two environments - local native Docker and IBM Bluemix Container Service environment, however,
if you have more environments, you can
define corresponding properties with appropriate prefix, for example:
And while running the build pass relevant container type option like '-t|--conttype dev|tst|qa|prd' then the script should set environment variable appropriately.

Note: You may need to update the logic in the as per your requirement.

There are few other important aspect to remember while trying to make your code/script portable among native Docker and IBM Bluemix Container Services. Few of them are listed below:

  • Currently IBM Bluemix Container Service only supports Docker Compose version 1 of the docker-compose.yml file format. Refer for detail.
  • IBM Bluemix Container Service may not support all Docker or Docker Compose commands or it has other commands that are not found in native Docker. Meaning in certain situation, you may still need to use the 'cf ic' commands instead of native docker command to perform task specific to IBM Bluemix Container Service. See the Supported Docker commands for IBM Bluemix Container Service plug-in (cf ic). The best way to find what native Docker commands are supported within IBM Bluemix or what 'cf ic' commands are available, just run the 'cf ic --help' and you'll see the list. The commands with '(Docker)' at the end are supported Docker commands. 

Finally, let's talk about the possible issue(s) that you may encounter.
Error response from daemon:
400 The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port
400 Bad Request
The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port
/tmp/_MEI3n6jq4/requests/packages/urllib3/ InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See:

The above mentioned error was encountered while sending build context to IBM Bluemix Container Service. It was because the 'DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY' was set with empty value. You may encounter this error in any case when you are trying to establish secure connection, but any one of the following environment variables is not set correctly:

ERROR: for lets-chat HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=8443): Read timed out. (read timeout=60)
ERROR: An HTTP request took too long to complete. Retry with --verbose to obtain debug information.
If you encounter this issue regularly because of slow network conditions, consider setting COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT to a higher value (current value: 60).

You may encounter the above mentioned error while executing 'docker-compse up' when request times out. The default read timeout is 60 sec. You can override this value by either defining it in '.env' file or as environment variable. e.g. 'export COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT=120'. Refer to for all available environment variables.

That's it for this post. Try and let me know. You can find/get/download all files from GitLab here:

Looks like you're really into Docker, see my other related blog posts below:

Setting up CommandLine Environment for IBM® Bluemix® Container Service

Last week, I had gone through couple of steps to create an account (free - trial for 30 days) with IBM® Bluemix®, deploy my IBM Container (Docker based) and access my IBM Container running on Bluemix using Bluemix/CloudFoundry command line tools setup locally on my laptop. I have done it to prepare myself and also it's a kind of POC for upcoming project work. I've decided to share these steps so that other people in the same situation can benefit from it. Below are steps:

  1. Make sure you have your IBM Container deployed and running on IBM Bluemix. If you don't have one follow the below sub steps:
    • Create a free account with IBM Bluemix (
    • Once the account is created, you can create an IBM Container. See below quick steps:
      • From left hand menu, click on "Containers"
      • Then click on "Create Containers" link and follow the instruction.
        Note: you can select the container type from the available list or upload your own compatible container image. Below screen shot shows the container that I created:
        Running container
  2. Now it's time to setup the command line tools on your local desktop. I have used the Fedora v24.x running as a virtual machine. 
    • Download Bluemix_CLI_0.4.6_amd64.tar.gz from and extract it to some directory:
      $>tar -xvzf ~/Downloads/Bluemix_CLI_0.4.6_amd64.tar.gz
    • Among others files, you'll see  'install_bluemix_cli' executable file under /Bluemix_CLI
      $>sudo ./install_bluemix_cli
    • Once it's installed, download CloudFoundry tool:
      $>sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/cloudfoundry-cli.repo
    • Install CloudFoundry CLI:
      $>sudo yum install cf-cli
      cf-cli.x86_64 0:6.26.0-1
    • Check the version:
      $>cf -v
      cf version 6.23.1+a70deb3.2017-01-13
    • Install the IBM Bluemix Container Service plug-in (cf ic) to use the native Docker CLI. More details about it can be found here.
      $>cf install-plugin
    • Verify the plugins:
      $>cf plugins
      Listing Installed Plugins...

      Plugin Name Version Command Name Command Help
      IBM-Containers 0.8.964 ic IBM Containers plug-in
  3. It's time to login to CloudFoundry and run you container command to manage your container.
    • Login to Bluemix/CloudFoundry:
      $>cf login -a
    • Login to Container:
      $> cf ic login
      Deleting old configuration file...
      Retrieving client certificates for IBM Containers...
      Storing client certificates in /home/osboxes/.ice/certs/...

      Storing client certificates in /home/osboxes/.ice/certs/

      The client certificates were retrieved.

      Checking local Docker configuration...

      Authenticating with the IBM Containers registry host
      You are authenticated with the IBM Containers registry.
  4. It's time to manage your Container(s) from your desktop using command line
    • Let's check our running Container process(es)
      $> cf ic ps 
      d476a406-ba9 "" 2 days ago Running>9080/tcp,>9443/tcp sysgLibertyCont
    • Let's inspect the running Container
      $> cf ic inspect d476a406-ba9
      "BluemixApp": null,
      "BluemixServices": null,
      "Config": {
      "AttachStderr": false,
      "AttachStdin": false,
      "AttachStdout": false,
      "Cmd": [],
      "Dns": "",
      "Env": [
      "Hostname": "instance-002eacfa",
      "Image": "",
      "ImageArchitecture": "amd64",
      "Labels": {
      "doc.url": "/docs/images/docker_image_ibmliberty/ibmliberty_starter.html"
      "Memory": 256,
      "MemorySwap": "",
List of IBM Bluemix Container Service plug-in (cf ic) commands for managing containers are available at

Looks like you're really into Docker, see my other related blog posts below: