GIT: Maintain Clean Workspace, Stay Synced with Integration Branch & Publish Perfect Commits

GIT is very powerful and provides many options to choose while doing one or the other tasks. GIT on one hand is a distributed version control system as every git working directory contains a full-fledged repository, but on the other hand it can be hosted centrally to facilitate sharing and collaboration. So, it is easy to use the power of GIT and achieve wonders but also easy to mess around and spend good chunk of your daily hour(s) resolving the conflict(s). I've worked with developers coaching them how to stay clean and synced while helping them to improve their productivity and fine-tuning their commits. Ultimately, I have come up with this one page visual diagram that outlines the practice which I have been preaching for.

Diagram 1.0

Since the diagram 1.0 is self explanatory, I am not going to write detail elaboration of it, but just going to highlight few important concepts below.

Maintain clean work space (working directory)

Specifically when you are done for the day and heading home (or to a bar if you feel so) or starting fresh (with a fresh cup of java) in the morning, it is important to ensure your working directory is clean. Block #4 (in the diagram 1.0) and associated green boundary explains how to deal with Un-tracked, Un-staged, or Un-committed files.
  • Discard: discard them (if you really don't need them) 
    • The orange boundary contains steps to deal with those changes in case by case basis. 
    • The Purple boundary discards everything that is not commited.

  • Commit: stage (if not already staged) and commit.
  • Stash: store them safely for later use - which is called Stashing in GIT term.

Remain synced with remote branch:

Making it a regular practice of pulling latest from remote branch and either merging or rebasing (depending upon your merge strategy in place), not only helps to resolve any merge conflict when it is still small and manageable, but also helps to boost team collaboration. Block #5 with pink boundary in diagram 1.0, explains exactly this. If you are working on a 'feature' branch (following GitFlow strategy), you need to pull first not only from your remote 'feature' branch but also from 'develop' (assuming here 'develop' as an integration branch. You may have 'dev' or 'main' as an integration branch) branch and merge locally on your feature branch before you push your code to remote feature branch and later create a <<pull request>> to integration branch.

Commit early and often

Blocks #8, #9, #10 show this. Whether you are developing a feature or working on a bug/defect fix, it is important to commit when you complete a logical unit of work. Please note, it is never too early or never too frequent to commit your code as long as you review your commits and fine tune them before pushing/publishing. Commiting not only helps to maintain the clean working directory but also helps to preserve the data from accidental loss.

Review and fine-tune your  commits before publishing

If you follow 'commit early and often' principle, it is important that you review and if necessary, fine-tune your commits before pushing/sharing/publishing. It is important to make sure that your commit is small enough and represent a logical unit of work (related to a particular feature, bug fix or defect fix). Fine-tuned commits are extremely useful in troubleshooting using git bisection (git bisect) to find a code that introduced a particular bug or reverting a commit (git revert) with confidence. You can perfect your commits by squashing related commits into one making it kind of transnational, by rearranging commits in right order, by amending commit comments making them contextual with right reference or by splitting commit if it contains unrelated changes. Block 10.1 in diagram 1.0 reminds you to perfect (if necessary) your commits before sharing/pushing/publishing.
Important: NEVER re-write any shared/published history.

Pull before push

It is one of the most important rules that you need to follow when you are working in a team environment. As described in Block #5.0 of diagram 1.0, you need to pull latest commits from the  remote branch, merge (resolve if any conflicts) locally and only after that push your code. Whether you merge or rebase depends upon the strategy you have in place. Most of the time, merge is safer than rebase.

Regularly publish your code

Most of us get paid only after publishing, so it is important! It is generally how teams share/collaborate as well. Remote/Central repositories are usually setup considering high availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR), so it is also important to regularly publish your commits to protect them from destructive events. Refer to block #12 of the diagram 1.0

Note: if you are interested in contributing to enhance the diagram further, you can do so. Source (GitBestPracticesOnePagerDiagram.xml) of this diagram ( format) is in GitHub:

References of Git commands (used in diagram 1.0):


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